The Bookmobile Turns Five!

Since 2018, the Bookmobile has been working with communities to find relevant and inclusive ways to bring library services to them. In the last five years of work, we have celebrated more than 1,300 visits, events and partnerships. We are so honored to be trusted with the privilege of driving this amazing vehicle and cannot overstate the joy it brings to get to know our patrons and partners.

Joyanne Huston-Swanson
With 250 visits provided in 2023 and welcoming more than 12,000 patrons to the Bookmobile, it is difficult to pinpoint a specific interaction or story to highlight – there are so many meaningful ones. But a conversation that continues to come to mind happened at our fall visit to Robinette's Apple Haus and Winery. A mom came into the Bookmobile with her nine-month-old daughter in a carrier and was excited to get a library card for our system since they had just moved into the area. She noticed a picture book called Powwow Day by Traci Sorell and Madelyn Goodnight and picked it up, exclaiming that she hadn't seen a book like that before. She is a member of one of the tribes out west and was touched that we had a book representing her culture. She ended up borrowing the book on her new card and left with a big smile on her face. This solidified to me how important diverse books and authors are for our community members.

Hannah Moulds
Driving a library on wheels means that every day brings a new, exciting adventure! I could share some funny stories about getting stuck under trees, improvising puppet shows or books flying off the shelves when I took a turn too fast (hey, it was one time!). But what I really love about working on the Bookmobile is the accessibility and connection. This team and this vehicle reach overburdened communities in our county that may be unable to access our brick-and-mortar libraries. We get the privilege of connecting with patrons where they are at. Rain or shine, as soon as we park and open the doors, the Bookmobile transforms into a vibrant community gathering place. It’s a beautiful thing to watch and participate in, and it’s so much more than just books on wheels. Happy birthday to our amazing bookmobile!

Kevin Kammeraad
In the summer of 2019, there was a kiddo and mom who came every time we made a stop in their area. One visit, they came on board with beaming smiles. Kayla wanted to read to us the book she learned to read by herself (it may have even been the first book she read alone!). I sat down on the ground as she joyfully read us the book. So cool! A few years later, she was on the Bookmobile again, this time with a friend, and we pulled up the photo we had all taken that day. She fully remembered it and was excited to share the memory with her friend. I hope someday she comes on the Bookmobile as an adult and shares that memory with the team!

The Bookmobile schedule and request form can be found at